Thank you for your participation in the 2019 FPLCM Client Survey. We look forward to hearing from clients like you! Please complete the following survey: 1. What is your age? —Please choose an option—<4040-5556-70>70 2. For approximately how many years have you worked with FPL Capital? —Please choose an option—<11-56-10>10 3. Overall, how much confidence do you have in FPLCM? (0 is not at all confident, 5 is extremely confident) —Please choose an option—012345 4. Which attribute contributes the most to your overall confidence? —Please choose an option—Providing me with a customized experienceGiving me time and attention without making me feel rushedCharging reasonable fees for servicesDemonstrating knowledge about financial mattersRelating to me on a personal levelOther 5. What do you want to compare your equity portfolio performance to? —Please choose an option—S&P 500 IndexMSCI World IndexRussell 3000 IndexSpecific percentage (ex. 5%)Blend of equity indicesOther 6. How helpful was the review web page for the 2019 Annual Reviews? (If no review was scheduled, please select N/A). —Please choose an option—Very helpfulSomewhat helpfulNot at all helpfulN/A 7. How long would you like your review calls to last? —Please choose an option—<30 minutes30 minutes – 1 hour1 hour – 1.5 hours>1.5 hours 8. What is the one thing you would change about reviews? 9. What is the one thing you wish FPLCM would start doing? 10. What is the one thing you wish FPLCM would stop doing? 11. Any comments?